Bacara Resort and Spa

A Beautiful Wedding Ceremony at Bacara Resort and Spa

Photography by Anna Costa

A Wedding Ceremony at Bacara Resort and Spa | Miriam Lindbeck Officiating

Ever since John was fifteen he dreamed of the woman he would love, and dreamt of a wedding that fulfilled everything he saw.  He stayed faithful to that dream. He didn’t date seriously and wasn’t willing to compromise.  His dream lay in waiting until he met Ursula. By then, he was forty.

When they met, they both wanted to go slow, to be sure, and life, being cooperative, gave them the opportunity to do just that. Within a few months of meeting, Ursula’s ache to be with her family, her career not turning up satisfying, she moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco to be with her kin and perhaps find more gainful work. He respected her choice, wanting her to be happy, even if he couldn’t pursue her. Her happiness came before his own. She, letting go of him, stayed true to herself, following what she needed most.

But the Bigger Picture was at work. Soon after her move back to SF, Ursula was offered a career position in LA that she couldn’t resist. She ended up right back in the same building where she and John had met months before. She hadn’t even contacted him yet to let him know she was back in town, when they saw each other in the lobby. Unable to deny the magnetism that had moved them before, their steps drew closer to each other until there was no turning back.

When they discovered they both had immense common ground, cultural oneness, the same interests, love of family and family’s love for them, the same work ethics in the same fields of endeavor, they opened to their love, the tenderness, the sharing, romance, comfort and delight. They awakened each other’s souls and now everything is theirs.

These two are deliciously gorgeous. This is the marriage of the God and Goddess. Witnessing them is like looking at two of the most beautiful creations ever made. And their love is just as luxurious. They live in a dream upon a dream. The night John proposed to her in Paris atop the Eiffel Tower at their finest restaurant, all manner of beauty filled the space and the night skies. Amazingly, they had the entire upper balcony to themselves.  A time that blessed them as softly as cashmere and as shining as diamonds, they never wanted it to end. It felt completely natural to them…they belong in that rarefied realm.

Their wedding was sacred, at times intensely emotional, beautiful. It was fulfilling to know these two loving, lovely, caring, wise and compassionate people were living their dream from childhood.  They came here to fulfill it and the world has more peace in it because they are together. And they have a passion that will last beyond time.